Et begrep som er mye brukt i USA er "comfort food". Og hva er nå det..?
"Comfort food" må jo selvsagt være mat som gir "comfort", men begrepet er litt mer komplisert enn som så.
På Wikipedia står det at "the term "comfort food" refers to foods consumed to achieve some level of improved emotional status, whether to relieve negative psychological affect or to increase positive. More generally, comfort food can be defined as food that brings some form or measure of comfort, sense of well-being, or easy satisfaction, usually from being warm and filling such as a dish made with a staple food, or basically pleasing such as sweets or desserts."
Et annet sted har jeg lest at "Comfort food is a term that is analogous to the phrase "guilty pleasure". A guilty pleasure is something that you enjoy that you feel as if you shouldn't. Comfort food is a food you enjoy but you probably wouldn't find on a three star restaurant's menu. In short, "comfort food" is a food you enjoy, but you believe you need to qualify it as somehow worthwhile.... This reminds me of an anecdote.... The late Julia Child (USAs første kjendiskokk) was once asked about what foods she considers to be a guilty pleasure. To which she responded something along the lines of "I HAVE NEVER FELT GUILT OVER ANY PLEASURE THAT I HAVE HAD." He-he, kul dame ![Smile](
Med denne fantastiske kommentaren i tankene kan vi alle kose oss med "Maple Bread Pudding", som er en utrolig deilig brødpudding med varm lønnesirupsaus i bunnen, og perfekt egnet som "comfort food": Enkel, lettlaget, behagende, søt og ekstremt god!